“12 peaks” Ticket Travel Agency exclusive famtrip to Tobago


United Spirit Nordic representing the destination Trinidad & Tobago in the Nordic market, negotiated a charter flight with The Apollo Travel Group, direct from Stockholm to Tobago. The goal was a full flight each week, and increase awareness of the destination in the market, specially Sweden where the flight initiated.
Ticket Leisure Travel is one of Apollo Travel Group best B2B partner and being able to secure Tobago as their “12 peaks fam trip destination”, we would be able exposure the destination to Ticket Travel’s 12 best-selling travel consultants, and securing their full attention to the destination for the 1 week visit to explore first-hand what the destination is offering to their clients.
We introduced Tobago as Charter destination with Apollo Group at Tickets Leisure yearly “Kick off” event with over 1.000 travel agents and partners attending.
We got exposure to these travel agents with a video from Tobago –welcoming the 12 top sellers from Ticket Leisure to Destination Tobago
Managed to secure that both Sales Director Ticket Leisure and Product Director Ticket Leisure joined with the fam trip, for first hand see the Destination Tobago.
Destination Trinidad & TobagoProject:
“12 peaks” Ticket Travel Agency exclusive famtrip to Tobago